Friday, July 26, 2013

Real Reason they want a Child Bride so bad!

Just minutes after it became public knowledge, Concerned Nig
erians rose up in their numbers to speak and act against the child bride issue. People went out across the country to show their disgust against what many have come to describe as a barbaric craving of honorable men for what they ordinarily should protect. Petitions were signed online, people came out physically to sign at state secretariat. People spoke openly against it and we saw our own nollywood star actress Stella Damascus not playing it safe as she let it all out against Ahmed Sani the Senator who sponsored the bill, and attacking all the senators who voted. Worthy of mention is the fact that, she made the first lady realize that she has missed the opportunity to
score a very good point for herself while wasting time on issues that are not her business or perhaps direct business. Nigerians have spoken, they don't want this any more. But there are questions begging for answers. Why will full grown adults like Ahmed Sani the yerima bakura,an ex governor hide under what he claimed to want to pursue a selfish course? What is the real reason behind their wanting this? Is it just for marriage? Or is there something which they benefit from the body and blood of the thirteen years old? Why will they leave full grown and very attractive ladies only to crave the body of a thirteen years old? Don't you think it's not just about marriage? Don't you think it may have some spiritual undertone? How do you mean you may ask. I will explain.

There are individuals who get themselves involved in some spiritual acts for the sake of power. They sell their soul to the devil just to get power and money. This is not new and it happens all around the world.In most cases, we all know that even the devil does not request only once. If he gives you something,  he will want so many things in return.  If he started with blood, he keeps craving blood and you must continue to supply it.  If you killed to make money, to keep that money, you will continue to kill. If it was by sleeping with someone, you will continue to sleep with people other than your wife just to use their stars. Now, there is another side called young blood, young stars. They sleep with young children whom they disvirgined. Now, for them to retain what they got through that act, they must marry another virgin only this time, they must keep her. Those who know how this work understand this. They know they can't get this in adult ladies. They know they can only get it in young bloods. This is so Because they must stay ontop,they are ready to dame every consequences in order to take a young bride in marriage. They are not marrying her for love. They are marrying her as a life sacrifice which sustains what they own. The young bride is their passport to continuous wealth. It is not for love that they marry and make love to young brides, it is for spiritual implications. This is not in Nigeria only. It happens outside Nigeria. It's called wealth and power by young blood. Could this be the real reason this Nigerian senators want this clause removed. I ask because from all intent and purposes, why will a sane man leave a full flesh and very attractive lady for a child? To me, it's not normal. Once again I say, it's not normal. somebody tell me am wrong! For their sake, I hope I am wrong. 

Whether or whether not the above is their real reason, I must commend Nigerians especially Stella Damascus for her bravery and sound point made. To all Nigerians who did little or just enough to drive the message on the rejection of this act home, may your days be long and healthy...

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