Thursday, July 18, 2013

Nelson Mandela 'The Madiba' Is officially 95 today

Information made available online says Nelson Mandela has made “dramatic progress” and could be going home “anytime soon,” according to his daughter Zindzi. According to Zindzi  “I visited him yesterday and he was watching television with headphones,” Zindzi told Britain’s Sky TV in an interview. She added “He gave us a huge smile and raised his hand.” This for many s a huge relieve as it deviates from the usual  “critical but stable” condition that was reported last week by South African President Thabo Mbeki and member of the Mandela family.
During the interview, posted by Sky TV, Zinzi also stated that  “You can see he is there in his eyes, the same energy and strength,” she said before declaring, “I should think he will be going home anytime soon.”
Mandela has been inside a Pretoria hospital for more than a month (since June 8) for a recurring lung infection. According to other news online The news of his improvement will uplift the confidence of the many supporters around the world, who have been offering thoughts and sending prayers for the Nobel Peace Prize recipient. Many around the world and S. Africa have been preparing to celebrate Mandela’s 95th birthday on Thursday, which is a day the U.N. chooses to recognize the revolutionary hero’s contributions to South Africa and the globe as a symbol of peace.
According to this report Throughout his life, Mandela’s been committed to the concept of humanity and forgiveness. When he was freed in 1990, after spending 27 years in prison during the system of apartheid, Mandela forgave the people who imprisoned him.
When asked about the kind of gift they’re planning to present the former president on his b-day, Zindzi answered, “Naturally it’s very difficult to come up with an ideal gift…so normally we just do huge, huge picture frames of all the family events and members of the family.”
“We’ve got another huge collage to give him tomorrow,” she added.

We all wish this selfless fighter a very happy birthday and God will give Nigeria such selfless leaders in particular Ndidi Africa as a whole. Happy Birthday Madiba.

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