Monday, July 29, 2013

Culled article-Child Marriage: A Final Word to Femi Fani-Kayode andOthers By Peregrino Brimah

you tell a lie one hundred times, it does not become a truth, all it becomes is a lie told a hundred times. As Mahatma Gandhi said: An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.
Did you just wake up? Did you never before know of these provisions in the constitution and occurrences across Nigeria since
No, not what you said Femi, nor what much of the junk media propagated, the senate did not pass any child marriage bill on July 16th.
Again, not the calumniation you proliferate, the senate did not approve child marriage by failing to delete Section 29 (4)(b), they only retained as ingrained in the constitution, a married young woman’s right to renounce her citizenship for purposes which include but are not limited toasylum seeking and foreign spouse related travel.
Again, no, Femi Fani-Kayode, there is no Muslim law that permits sex with children.
Emphasis: Islam is vehemently against sex with children and Islam does not permit pedophilia.
Education and Information: Sex with anyone who is post-pubertal is not pedophilia. Pedophilia is defined as: A person who has a sustained sexual orientation toward pre-pubertal children.
Fact on culture: 78% of marriages in north Nigeria are to women below the age of 18. (Most wise people know that protests and threats never change culture or religion.)
Fact on culture: 70% of marriages in Mali are to women below the age of 18. (And Mali does not have Nigeria’s peculiar VVF explosive crises)
Fact: The age of marriage in south Nigeria is generally set at 16.
Fact: The age of marriage for girls in the Vatican is set at 14 as per the code of canon law.
Facts: In the US, the age of marriage in New York is 14, New Hampshire is 13, North Carolina is 14, Rhode Island has no minimum age, Tennessee has no minimum age, Washington state has no minimum and Pennsylvania has no minimum age.
Facts: Minimum age of marriage in Spain is 14 (2013 now 16), Greece 16, Albania, 16, Austria 16, Denmark 15, Georgia 15, Lithuania 15, Poland, 16, Romania 16, England and Wales 16, Sweden 15, Canada 15, Slovenia 15, Ireland and Iceland – none, Serbia 16, Slovenia 15.
Fact: USA refused to sign the UN declaration of the rights of a child.
Fact: Old age also is a great risk of fistula; and the total prevalence of fistulae is 188 per 100,000 women aged 15 to 49 years in South Saharan Africa. Pierre Marie Tebeu et al, Int Urogynecol J. 2012
Fact: Seven primary risk factors for obstetrical fistula commonly reported include the place of birth and presence of a skilled birth attendant, the duration of labor and the use of a partograph, the lack of prenatal care, early marriage and young age at delivery, older age, lack of family planning, and a number of other poorly defined additional factors… Pierre Marie Tebeu et al, Int Urogynecol J. 2012
Fact: US has 500,000 teen pregnancies per year and 4000 girls get pregnant at age 12 and no age-related fistulae.
Nota bene: Human beings are not tinned tomato with ‘best before’ or ‘expiration date,’ and as hence, 18 can in no logical or physiological way, be the magical date that a child becomes an adult.
Nota bene: 18 is not a date enforced under the child rights UN act. It is only a recommended date; to maintain signatory to the act, a state can adopt an age of choice as its age of majority, above or below 18.
Nota bene: Biologically, medically and culturally, adulthood is defined as the attainment of sexual and social maturity, and is variable inter and intra-specie. A 13 year post pubertal man may not yet be intellectually mature just as a 52 year old man may not be deemed mature if he still acts intellectually and socially pediatric.
Popular consensus of the blesseds: Mary was 12 when she was betrothed to 90 year old Joseph, and God gave her Jesus when she was ~12-16.
Medical facts:
Teen pregnancy does not cause vesico or recto-vaginal fistula, lack of nearby quality obstetric care does.
Teen pregnancy reduces the risk/rate of breast cancer by 50%. Repeat, 50%!
Between teens and thirties, fertility rate drops by as much as 40%!
The body copes better and recovers more perfectly after teen birth, compared to old birth.
Social facts:
There are 2 teen pregnancies in south Nigeria for every 8 in the north.

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