Friday, July 19, 2013

On Almustapha And His Release, my simple response

I have done all I can to avoid this subject. I have avoided it not because I don't want to be misunderstood or misrepresented but because I simply wanted to avoid the issue. I wanted to avoid the issue simply because many may never get it. They wont get it not because they are not intelligent enough to get it, no. They wont because many, i inclusive have a way of wanting to be very sentimental on issues we ordinarily need to be objective about. However, am here now talking about it. I will be brief and straight to the point. I will ask questions and attempt o answer them briefly.

Is the Nigerian system right to have incarcerated Mustapha for almost fifteen years?

The answer is an emphatic no. You don't keep a man on trial for that long. You don't deny a man his freedom for that long. He is a citizen and a Nigerian with rights and privileges for. He lives under the law and should be treated as one who does. A man is innocent until proven guilty. This case will stand for a long time as an issue which, even under our democratic system Will hunt the judicial system.  Al Mustapha's case is a clear cut indication that politics is a strong determinant factor in the discharge of judicial duties in Nigeria. It also shows that interference from external sources play a key role in the discharge of judicial matters. The danger here is that it may lead to the citizens asking questions about our judicial system. You don't try a man for almost fifteen years...who does that? 

Did Almustapha Kill those they claim he killed?

Am sure we all know the answer to this one. He ordered the killing based on the instruction of his superior officer who was also at the time, the commander in chief of the armed forces of  the federal republic of  Nigeria. In the military, you cannot or let me say it this way, 'your mama never born you well to disobey your Oga' we all know this to be true about the military. If that is the case with the military under which Mustapha served, who then should be seen as the killer? Almustapha or Abacha his then boss? My opinion, Abacha was the killer. He ordered the killing. Al Mustapha only obeyed. Like all military men, the man obeyed his boss and stayed loyal. Who will hang I'm for that?  Except of course some one can proof that the hit, which killed all those he is said to have killed, was ordered personally by him. Aside from that, he was not the guilty man. 

What then can we say about the man and his release in this case. 

We can only say that Almustapha under General Abacha was a very loyal soldier. Anybody will 'kill ' to have a loyal soldier like him. What every boss needs are those who will understand his vision and follow in his lead whether good or bad. The rule of the game in the military is loyalty and obedience. Those who betray their bosses know what they get. So what do I think about his release? I think it's justice served. Again, its justice well served and those who kept him there should ask for his forgiveness. 

My submission and conclusion. 

For those who have not allowed me to rest untill I did this, i hope you can rest now. I do not support the killing of all who were killed at that time, no I don't. Perhaps they did not deserve to die. I condem it completely with all that I hold dear. But on dealing with matters like this, our preconceived notions, bias and presuppositions must stay outside the box and that is what I have done. Sincerely speaking, you don't have to agree with me...


Anonymous said...

A fact well stated...thank u

Anonymous said...

I wish more Nigerians will come to understand this truth

Anonymous said...

But how can u think this man is not guilty...are u fronting for him?

Anonymous said...

If hud boss had sent him to kiss his wife, would he have done it? Abe this guy should die

Anonymous said...

I think what u wrote here though brief has made me to see this case from a different angle. U have done well.

Anonymous said...

I have to read this again and beats my imagination that u think this way, am disappointed.

Anonymous said...

I am sure this man ordered d killing by himself...this man is guilty

Anonymous said...

I think u ve spoken very well. We must learn how to be detribalised. Is it because he was an hausa man that they kept him for 15 yrs? You have spoken well

Anonymous said...

I don't blame u its Jonathan that I blame...them pay u

Anonymous said... u think this man is innocent? them Don pay u abi?