Sunday, August 11, 2013

Presidential Aide Reno Omokri Spits fire on twitter

Presidential aide Reno Omokri went on his timeline on twitter to make some very direct as well as indirect statement this evening. Looking critically at some of the things he said, one can conclude that it bothers on the APC agenda as it relates to the former head of state and presidential candidate in over three elections General Muhamadu Buhari. Look below to read the things he said but you are free to draw whatever conclusions you want to make out of his statement. Your guess will be as good
as mine?

Chief Akande is reminded that Pres. Jonathan's PhD is genuine not 'Chicago'. He should look inwards to his party for kindergarten leadership.....why did he say that? Who was he referring to?

Advise to APC: treat your party like a democratic association not an Armored Personnel Carrier that someone used to force his way to power....this sounds like some direct accusation, but which APC member was he referring to?

Chief Akande says Buhari is a progressive. Can a leopard change its spots? Perhaps he meant that Buhari is a proagressive not this a way of saying to APC that Buhari has so much for which he is not good? Why does he call him a leopard? Waiting for Buhari to respond may be!

If Chief Bisi Akande wants to know the truth about Gen. Muhammadu Buhari he should read this be you should click that link and read it yourself.

If Chief Bisi Akande wants to know who and who are "perpetually unelectable" he should consult his party mate, Nasir Elrufai...why is Reno running from mentioning this people?  Perpetually unelectable WOW

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