Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ese Walter vs Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo: A case by beauty or the beast?

Ok ese, My heart bleeds for you. I feel your pain only may be not the way you do, because I was not the abused one. All i can say is, I feel you. I have read your story with an Open mind like you requested. I have tried to analyze it without judging either you or Pastor Biodun as all we know currently is only one sided. The Pastor has refused to speak because according to him, God said he should say nothing. But i have asked questions which I failed to get answers to and that is why I write. 

The entire situation has been analyzed both on blogs and twitter. Nothing seems hidden about It anymore. Its all in the open now. However, my mind has not stopped asking certain questions. I will look at this
questions briefly....

1. How old are you Ese ? I ask because I get the impression that you are about 12 years old. I also ask because you said he played a mind game on you. Because he said he saw you leaking the story to the public and creating chaos in the church? But i read what you wrote. You said you were doing your masters. a masters student and he played a mind game on you?  or may be he played an expected game on you. Ese is it possible that somehow you had been waiting for this to happen? am only asking and keeping an open mind like you said. He said come upstairs you did. He said seat on my lap, you did. He said Kiss me, you did. All out of free will. Ese...

2. You said He played a mind game on you. How? Did he hypnotize you? That story did not look like it. He used words which had the anointing to deceive? May be. But again i ask is it because you said, he said, he will expose you to a level of grace that you don't understand or he said touch not my anointed or because he said he saw you leaking it to the public and creating chaos in the church?  is that the mind game? Ese, your story appear like you were expecting all this to happen and they did. Or may be we can say you are an adult with the mind of a baby....may be. because all you wrote in that story appear so. Some may even think you only players out a script. Ese....

3. Was Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo right in his action?  If all you said is the truth and nothing but the truth, judging by it, he is guilty as accused. He was wrong. He is wrong. He will remain wrong. But can two wrongs make anything right? No. Has two wrongs ever made anything right? No. Ese...

4. Did he mislead you? Mislead an adult? Mislead a you that wrote all this and declared with an unwavering authority "I am Ese Walter and I have gone through all forms of abuse from family, boyfriends, my ex pastor and some strangers not to break me, but so I stand and so I qualify to help victims. My scars have qualified me and when all is said and done, I will still be standing. I AM WOMAN, I BEND, I DON’T BREAK!" I read that. You sound too educated, too prepared, too street wise to become a victim that was misled.  Mislead a being with a university education? I don't think so. Rather Some will say this, you wanted to feel what it was like to experience something with some one who himself is a man of God. May be you had never experienced it. it was a territory many wanted but never got. you got it on a platter. it was like a dream to you like you said. May be it had never happened to you before. May be that rebellious spirit which you mentioned wanted to see something different. In this case, Pastor Biodun opened the door but you played the game. He opened the door but he became the victim. You would have said no. Why dint you say no? why dint you say no , so he will attempt to rape you? Let him be the one to rape you. Then may be we will have a story here. The bible did not say pray in tongues when faced with sexual sin, it says flee. Why dint you flee? .you would have been a hero, if you had requested to leave but you did not. The bible says it is wrong to sin but it says how worse for the one who causes one of this little ones to sin. Pastor Biodun was wrong but you were wrong also. Why did you allow it and today tell the story like you a victim. Just thinking. Ese...

5. Should you have published this? Ese, I know you don't care what the world say but hear me, as a Christian, you missed it. Many will think and argue that You should have sought help from the right people. Ok you sought help from those you thought could help but they failed you. But you failed to take it before the foot of the cross. They will argue that You were looking for help from man instead of God . It is not man who saves, it is God they will say. Your destination would have been to go straight before the seat of mercy, show repentance and ask God to heal you. They will argue this way because from what you said, you wanted closure. If this was what you really wanted, why your blog? Can you remember the case between David and Saul? Out of all that Sail did against David, when he had the chance to kill him, he did not. But you had your chance and you hit him. if God matter to you they will say, why your blog? The bible says touch not my anointed, do my prophet no harm. Pastor Biodun has said he is a pastor, whether he is a real one or not is not of your office to judge they will say  This issue should never have been published they will argue. But you published it. Ese..

6. Does publishing this really free you? Oh, no it does not they will argue. Is it the end, no it is not they will say. You have only succeeded in opening a chapter that will lead to so many things. They include; 

a. You may still have this hunt you for a long time. I refer to what you have written. Emotional freedom is never the same as real freedom. 

b. His marriage will never remain the same. Did I hear you say who cares? 

C. His church will not remain the same. Did I also gear you say who cares? 

d. If he has children, they will be affected.

E. This action will drive sinners further away from God and not bring them closer. I hope you know!

7. Should Pastor Biodun continue to preach? If what you have written is true, then no many will argue. Like you said, he should deal with himself first. He should confront his demons. But will this action help him? Ese...

8 will people understand your intention? No they won't and i know you know that. Many will, but most may not. They will even think you are seeking nothing but cheap publicity. They will ask, would she have published it if it was not a pastor? They will say you published it because he is a Pastor. Some will even say you scored a very cheap point. Some will argue that you had it all scripted but like you may think, who cares. Ese...

9. Will this ever go away? May be not. They will only put it aside with time. Cases that involves sex never die easily. People will always remember Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. They will also always remember Ese and Pastor Biodun. You just opened the chapter. Is it a chapter you will always like to read? Ese...

10. Will your reputation remain intact? I will leave that to you and posterity. Only time will tell. They say time takes care of all things. Will it take care of this also? Ese...

In conclusion, some things are important but not necessary. Publicity is good but it only cuts the tree from its stem. Pastor Biodun has sinned but Ese, have you won him back for his Lord? The church is filled with many organizers (church workers) but less agonizers ( those who truly prays). When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth? Jesus asked that question over 2000 years ago. In the end, it's another sexual case. Pastor Biodun should come out with the truth also. He should apologize to Ese if he is guilty. He should repent and leave the rest to God. For Ese, May God who alone can heal take you to the place of healing. Do I believe your story? Yes i do. Can I condemn you, no I can't. Is your action right? May be important but not necessary. I only feel there would have been a better way, in all, thank you for your courage. To all Christians out there, follow your lord and savior not your Pastor. Test all spirits, all actions, all messages and stand firm. Pray because whichever way you see it, this exposition will remain minus one. For many they will say its a beautiful step but many will say,she is a beast. Many more will come, get ready.


Anonymous said...

Joseph all these things have been going on for too long. Women have been keeping silent and allowing it go and these 'men of God' have been taking the piss getting bolder and bolder 'cos they know they can get away with even murder as soon as they play the touch not my anointed card. The pastor has been doing this for quite a while and its just his luck he's the one to be used as an example to the rest. You sound biased as you're kinda focused on Ese and her shortcomings which she has boldly aCcepted, I've been approached by men of God who wanted to use their money, charm and charisma to seduce me but I refused, guess I was lucky but not everyone has been. You can't ask all those questions cos uv never being a woman put in that situation. Like every other uninformed person you blame the woman but the man who is a pastor is given a slight slap on the wrist? Why didn't he think of his wife n kids when he was riding Ese? Why didn't he remember the flock in his care? Why didn't he think of consequences? You know why? Because he had killed his conscience a long time ago. If anyone loses his faith after this then he was neva truly born again n wasn't looking up at Jesus as the author n finisher of his faith, its beta to live by the truth cos the truth is what we as christians shld stand by at all times. Ese must have come out after hearing of his escapades with other female members n knew something had to be done, the house of the Lord must be cleaned n this is just d begining.

Anonymous said...

Well written Joseph.

Unknown said...

The devil will never remain the same again!

Anonymous said...

The craze of the moment is over, everybody is now looking for who to blame. I'll keep on saying dis, It is not a bad thing to love, respect and look up to our pastors, but people shuld really stop seeing them as gods. I guess the story would have made more sense to me if she didn't get involved with him in the first place or if it had been a case of rape and there's also no way I'm going to blame it on ingorance.

Unknown said...

For the records,I think this issue can be likened to a one eyed sheapard leading one eyed flocks.