Friday, August 23, 2013

Is it right for a domestic servant to wash her bosses undies when her boss is not sick or disabled?

I have decided to bring this here just so we can objectively trash this, no opinion on this subject is a stupid one but  let's just see if we can arrive at some thing concrete. 

Here is the issue, a lady asked her domestic servant ( a young girl) to wash her undies and she said no its not right for her to wash her madam's undies. According to her madam, she said it politely and not rudely but she was shocked at the objection. This undies is her pant and that is just to put it straight. According to this young lady, its just not right. In the end, even with the sack threat, she refused.  This woman wants to know if she was wrong to have asked her own domestic servant to wash her undies. 

Do you think this amounts to insubordination? If yes, why do you think so?  and if no, why do you think so? 

The woman will read every comment via this medium so please let's be kind with words. 


Anonymous said...

Pant is too personal. Women go through a lot down there and the only person who shd be subjected to seeing dirty undies is the owner. I think its even embarrassing for anyone else to see my dirty undies. Please don't ask your househelp to wash your undies. You won't want to wash someone elses pant would you?

Unknown said...

Well, I guess it aℓℓ depends on the relationship with her boss. If she treats her fine, I guess there aint nothing wrong fixing her undies. In fact her househelp w̶̲̥̅ι̥ℓℓ be glad to do it for her boss.

Anonymous said...

I personally feel its wrong.some of my friends have complained about this and I feel its not right. I have a house help and I've never asked her to wash my pants. Pls ladies let's not be lazy, these girls assist us in so many ways. Try to create time to wash ur stuff

Anonymous said...

Its all individual character

Anonymous said...

This is pure laziness. Why can't the madam wash her underwear herself? The madam needs to check herself 'cos this says a lot about her character.

Anonymous said...

To say that it's lazy is false,u dont kno who d madam really is,what of if she is an accomplished accountant(ACA),lawyer(SAN),medicalPractitioner(Dr)etc.These are nt things a lazy person can achieve,you cannt describe one to be lazy all bcos she askd her maid to wash her undies.She may be too busy or bcos she pays the maid.Someone argued dat d undies are usually dirty,how can one keeps her undies dirty,it ought to be somthg one wears once and wash it?,am lookg at a lady who has up to twenty undies and wears one or two in a day,it may nt be dirty as perse but bcos of perspiration,she decides to wash she gives them to d maid to wash,to me,it depends on an individual and ur closeness to ur maid,as for me,i may nt do it but to say dat one who does dats is lazy or has done somethg wrong is false,if i're d lady,i wud want d maid to explain why she refusd washing her undies,if her explanatn seem cogent,i may stil retain her but if nt,her job has to be relieved from her.

Anonymous said...

No matter how sick I am, I wd neva ask my maid to wash my undies. Doesn't the lady have shame? Habamana!