Thursday, August 29, 2013

Glo is Ten Today: A Unique Brand with an unrivaled Culture.


The Brief.

The Otunba Dr Mike Adenuga GCON company is officially ten years today. Glo launched in 2003 as a unique brand with the interest of Nigerians at heart. The company completely demystified the idea of GSM being for the rich alone by pioneering the per second billing idea when other GSM companies at the time made it clear that Per second billing was not possible untill after seven years. The company also brought down the high prize which made gsm sim none affordable. This same company is known not just for providing gsm services but so many other things in the area of unique  entertainment, sport etc. So many Nigerian Musicians, actors and actresses, sport man and women today benefit as ambassadors of this unique brand. Glo has backed The Nigeria project by supporting with no small cash so many indigenous events and sporting activities.

As glo mark her tenth year anniversary today, we at job congratulate Otunba Dr Mike Adenuga GCON iand the glo brand as we say happy can only get better. Unlimited ni o

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