Friday, May 24, 2013

Wool which Killing: Kill the sentiment, honor the Man.

I will always wonder why this killing took place. I will find it hard to think that a Soldier would be killed in that manner. Yes he was, but it was a war he dint see coming. It was because the atmosphere did not say so. So what are the killers telling us? To always watch our back even when we think we have no enemies? Only cowards and blood thirsty demons will act in that manner.

To my fellow Nigerians,  am not sure I have seen anywhere, where the British government attributed this killing to Nigerian, so lets stop the sentiment because its not about us. It's about a young Soldier, a husband, father, child, who lost his life in the most unexpected way. It's about some animals in human skin who take life as though it has duplicate.

Fellow citizens of the world, lets put sentiment aside, we all must condemn this. Rest in peace young soldier, your job is done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May his soul rest in peace!!!!