Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sir Alex Ferguson:Not just a Manager but a Legend

I am sure that for many this is coming as a rude shock. Even though many expected him to retire some day, no body expected it to be now. At seventy, Sir Alex looked good enough to go ten more season. Though he had served Manchester United for twenty Six years, for that period the club experienced his super glory days with titles upon titles both in England and in Europe as a whole. His desire to exit after two more games in a league he already won is coming as a rude shock to many including myself. Though two Managers have been linked as his possible replacement, I am sure the Epl will feel his exit for a long time to come.

Many of us came to love the Epl because of three outstanding managers. One has a culture that says we dominate, we are champions and we have the capacity to make any team bow. In cases where they have lost in twenty six years of their managers reign, they have lost with style . I am referring to Sir Alex Ferguson and Manchester United. The second Manager believes he can turn anybody who is willing and have the skills into one of the most revered players in footballs history, but he lacks what it takes to make them remain in his club as they usually will leave him to make a name for themselves based on the knowledge he impacted on them. I am talking about Arsene Wenger and Arsenal football club. The third Manager left chelsea England when he became one of the most respected football managers chelsea ever had. He worked in a team with a boss who wanted to win all the time. Interestingly, he also wanted to win all the time. However when the center could no longer hold, things fell apart between himself and his boss. I am talking about Jose Mourinho and Chelsea football club. When he Mourinho left chelsea, the Epl lost something very vital because he brought a spark to the Epl. Now, that the Epl is about to lose another Manager, may be Wenger can win the Epl.(That's a joke) 

The expected exit of Sir Alex is not something any one expected will happen now, but since it will, change is a necessary part of human existence and everything which have a beginning must have an end. To any good manager, its always best to leave when the ovation is the loudest. Sir Alex is not just a manager, he is a Legend and the Epl will miss him.

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