Friday, May 10, 2013

Top newspaper health report-Cancer prevention recipe.

Mixed vegetables (Potato, cabbage and carrot)
CANCER is one of the most feared and deadly diseases that affect human beings. Millions of people have lost their lives as a result of this disease. There are about 200 different types of cancer (most popular being breast, lung, cervical, prostate, bladder, colon, liver, stomach and cancer of the blood) and they can start in any type of body tissue.
Poor dietary intake, foods like cured meats (sausages, cured ham, bacon etc), grilled meats, or fried meats from animal based foods, food additives tobacco smoke, natural and man made radiation, overexposing the skin to the sun, alcohol consumption and virus can contribute and foster cancer development.
To prevent and reduce cancer risk, it is recommended to
include fresh fruits and vegetable in one’s diet.
Mixed vegetables (Potato, cabbage and carrot) is a wholesome and nutritious dish specially prepared to help in cancer prevention.
This dish is an excellent source of vitamin B6, copper, complex carbohydrate, potassium, manganese, and dietary fiber. It is also rich antioxidant vitamins (A, C, E). Antioxidant vitamins neutralize the effects of free radicals that cause cancer. Mixed vegetables should not be absent from the diet of those who wish to protect against cancer and heart disease.
It is also good for people living with cancer to help avoid malnutrition and slow the progress of the disease. The high fiber content of this dish makes it an excellent food for lowering elevated cholesterol (hypercholestroamiae) and for preventing excess fat in the body.
Mixed vegetables (Potato, cabbage and carrot) is also an ideal dish for the stomach to help neutralise excess acidity, facilitate digestion and prevent constipation (difficulty and hard passing stools).
Vegetable juice
This coloured juice that is made up of tomatoes, carrots and cucumber combine well and offer a drink that is full of preventive and healing properties. Vegetable juice is rich in vitamin A, C, E, B group and iron, which are highly beneficial to human health.
Therapeutic properties of vegetable juice
Prevents arteriosclerosis (narrowing and blocking of the artery wall due to fat deposit)
Vegetable juice is rich in antioxidant vitamins and other substances that protect the arteries. The antioxidant vitamins prevent oxidation of cholesterol transported by low- density lipoprotein (LDL), which causes arteriosclerosis.
Boost the immune system (strengthen the body's anti- infectious defenses)
This healing property is due to the juice’s richness in vitamins, minerals and anti- oxidant carotenoids (beta- carotene) that stimulate the immune function of the body. It is recommended for patients suffering from infection whether light or severe, acute or chronic.
Vegetable juice is recommended for people that want to boost their immune system and those who want healthy arteries.
Carrots — 500g
Tomatoes — 500g
Cucumber —1 medium size
Method of preparation
• Wash and chop the carrots and tomatoes
• Peel and chop the cucumber.
• Process the vegetables through the electric liquidizer or blender and mix the juice well.
• Serve cold immediately with unripe plantain porridge.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think the things you covered through the post about the Cancer Prevention very helpful...