Monday, May 20, 2013


Sometimes I don't really know if one should weep for this country. Or perhaps like many, pretend to be deaf and dumb. Every successive government that has ruled Nigeria in times past, has left her economic and political terrain worse than it met it and the current leadership is making no mistake in following the very same line and pattern. I ask, what has changed or shown any sign of wanting to change in Nigeria? Nigerians are not saying any government should be Jesus Christ to the people, They are not saying things should change at once, they are merely saying, let the process of change be on ground. 

A friends father was taken to the general hospital for a prostrate related issue. The hospital has to pass the usual pipe through his private part to aid his ability to urinate and then asked him to visit the hospital every two weeks so that they can clean up to avoid infection. They did this because they could not carry out the test he is supposed to do. He is expected to wait till August before it will get to his turn. He was taken to that hospital in April. Imagine what can happen between April and August. Like my friend said, the hospital said there are many people on the waiting list. Is this what Nigerians deserve? What a country? Is this what Nigeians deserve for
voting this government to power?

The newspapers reported last week that Nigeria gave Mali three hundred and twenty million naira as aid. Does this not amount to extreme hypocrisy in the face of  extreme poverty experienced by many Nigerians? Will those in government lose their life if hospitals in Nigeia are equipped to be able to carry out the surgeries Nigerians go to Indian to do? Will their children or wife die if they do it? The other day there was out right rejection when many argued that Young graduates should be given only Twenty thousand naira monthly as welfare to help them hold on to life as they search for work, but this was vehemently rejected. Do you know how many Nigeian graduates can do some thing with one million in their hands? Divide the three hundred and twenty million by one million  and tell me how many Nigeian youths would have gained employment by being job creators who will also employ some with just one million in their account? Three hundred and twenty of them.

Believe me, Ngerians are not asking for a miracle from this government. All we are saying is that the government should set in place the very process needed for development to take place. The National Assembly should stop wasting the resources of Nigerians by deliberating on issues that will not bring about this process. Any sensitive Nigerian knows that for development to begin at all in Nigeian, there are three major sectors to tackle. They include;
1. Power sector
2. Good security system
3. Very good road network.

Do you know or can you begin to imagine how much many companies in Nigeian spend on diesel and fuel? If you consider it, it is enough money for those companies to create another company when you look at it annually. Many companies who would have employed many graduates in Nigeria have folded up because they could not sustain production. Money spent on power was the issue. Which sane investor will want to come and invest in a country without steady power supply? How can there be steady power supply when those who rule the oil sector are those in the National Assembly and executive. Most of them have one stake or the order in the oil sector. If Nigeria is allowed to have steady power supply, they know how much they will lose because their generator companies will make nothing and most fuel bought to keep generators going will cease and that in itself is a big deal for them. That and not finance is the very reason why Nigeria will never have steady power supply and by implication stay undeveloped.

Any sane human being knows that no one, and I mean, no one in is right seances want to keep his money in a place where he or she knows there is no security. Nigeria Security system will rank amongst the worst in Africa in particular and The world in general. I praise the police because in my own opinion, they are doing their very best with the limited resources that they have. In this century, we should be talking about a police system with national networking system with what advancement in technology is saying today. I thought one of the reasons for carrying out SIM card registration was to aid security! Every Nigerian with a mobile phone should have his or her data on the system which should be accessible to the police and all lines should be traceable by Tracking. This way, even if kidnappers kidnap anyone, and they refuse to use their line, if they use any line, they will be able to trace them. This will reduce kidnapping and crime. Which sane investor want to come and put his money in a country where he or she will be kidnapped? Who does that?

You will recall that the newspapers have done more than enough to tell Nigerians and the world that our roads are nothing but death traps. Jonathan, does not travel by road so even if he never had a sandal in his school days, we all know that as the saying goes' levels don change' and if I may add ' levels don change by miles' so he will never understand how bad the roads really are. I am sure that if people like Ruben Abati was not in government, he would have been blowing this trumpet, but just like any one who has tasted wealth and forgotten his poor friends, he has remain blinded by the situation and so cannot advice his boss. All Ruben Abati tell Nigerians is that  the president is trying his best. Again I ask, which sane individual will come and invest in a country with dead traps when he or she can afford to sleep on the road in his country without his shirt getting stained?

I praise those who have against all odds invested in this country. I praise those who are still standing. My advice to the government is simple, take advantage of this days of simple appeal and negotiation because people are never able to endure hunger till death take them, they are likely to fight back. Incase you have forgotten Mr President, nothing in Nigerian is standing. Not health, power, economy, employment, security, road networks, transportation nothing is standing.     As a matter of great emergency, those who lead this country must wake up from their slumber because the pain is getting unbearable on a daily basis. Many are dying due to their negligence, greed and refusal to listen to the pain and cry of the people who voted them. Cut down on your allowances, wasteful spending and stealing so that you can help this country. I rest my case for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
