Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The ten culture of evil: The Nigeria Police and the lack of value for human life!

This report will be very brief. Again its only a simple case of raising some issues of concern. However in doing so, I must be extremely careful since I have a number of police men as friends. The issue of their being my friend is the more reason why I should do this, because this men are very good people. Some times when I hear of the many things said against the Nigeria police and I try to relate it to the lives of the ones I know, I simply wonder if it is the same police force they are referring to. I say this because this people are not only educated, they are cultured, respectful, open minded, gentle, humble and very God fearing. I know that there are many of them in this same category. These are the type who will follow the process and not do an illegal job.  

Haven said the above, let us say here that like it is in all spheres of life, there are bad eggs. Bad eggs whose dirty work seem to have defined the police force negatively. It is so bad that the good ones are no longer mentioned. Their work is completely anti police ethics are they are nothing but disciples of the devil. Some times you wonder if they got the same training their colleagues got. These men and women are a disgrace to the Nigeria police force. The problem is not only in what they do, it is also in the fact that they seem to get the defense of the force since no one is saying anything. What is wrong with these men and women? Let us point out some.

They are very disrespectful- so many who wear the police uniform in Nigeria think and feel that the uniform is a license for them to disrespect others. Have you head the average police man talking to a civilian? God, you will wonder. They talk down on people with the intention of making them feel that they are nothing. In most cases, this are people who are not even talking back at them. So many police men are very rude and I know the ones concerned can relate to this point. My argument is simple, you don't have to be rude just to show that you are a police man as the name police ought not to be synonymous with rudeness. Even when they go to make arrest, some times you wonder. Let me leave this point at that. But am sure the police management understand this.

They threaten to shoot an unarmed person-Am sure that most adults in Nigeria can relate with this point. This is an issue many have either experienced directly or have friends who have experienced it. Have you ever head the word move or I will shoot you? Like they say in pidgin, you go fear fear! Ok may be that one is head only during arrest, have you ever head, if you talk nonsense I go shoot you? What will a police Man gain by threatening an unharmed Man. Need I say more! 

The culture of Gun display-Many Nigerias have been privileged to travel outside the shores of this land. They have been privileged to see American or British police men beyond the movies. They see them when they go on patrol. They see them when they come to make arrest. They don't go  about driving in vans and standing on top of that Van like they are going to war. Most times when you see the Nigeria police on patrol, you will think that war has started some where. They move like they are going for war and not just a routine patrol. Because kids see the Nigeria police on patrol, they tell you as a parent to buy them a toy gun just so they can display it.. Gun display when there is no war is a terrible culture. I hope we understand this and can look into it.

They kill the innocent-it has gotten to that point where the police force in Nigeria must come to understand that life has no duplicate. The Nigeria police is supposed to protect life and not take it. They have taken the lives of so many innocent souls. How many will we count? Like I said, this is an exposition and not a long article. They know what I am talking about and can change it.

They request for money to investigate your case-if you have never been robbed, may you never experience it. Have you ever been to the police station in Nigeria to report a robbery incident? May be you haven't but I have. I went to the station to report a robbery incident because robbers came to my house. On getting there, I wrote down my statement the way I knew best. Believe me, I was expecting sympathy but I got the rudest shock of my life. The officer after attending to me asked me to give them money so that they can begin investigation my case and I was shocked. Disbelief and deep shock visited me that moment. I mean, I was robbed and you ask me for money? Am sure many Nigerians can relate to this. This can change.

Drinking on Duty in Police Uniform- I have seen police men drink while on duty. We all know what alcohol can do to people. Many can hardly think straight when they are under the influence of alcohol. This is one of the main reason why they actually become trigger hungry. They shoot and kill innocent people because they are under the influence of alcohol. This is why they must be made to pay when they kill innocent people. This can be stopped. 

They collect money from the guilty Rich man to punish the innocent poor Man- we see this happen again and again. A rich man will be guilty of an act against a poor man, but because he knows a top police officer, he picks up his phone, make a call and get the innocent poor man arrested. What a world? Innocent poor men have been locked up in police cell for days because the rich want to show how influential they are or can be. Once, a rich man was guilty of wrong driving, he hit a man driving his golf car and it was clear that the rich Man was guilty. He called the police, they came and even those who saw the incident, who decided to wait were chased away when the police arrived. They did not listen to them, only the voice of the rich man mattered. What a world I say again! This can change 

They beat people up during arrest- we have seen a case were the police started beating a man from his house because of an allegation. They did this by merely identifying the man. They came, asked, are you Mr Ayo and the guy said yes. The nest thing that followed is the beating. Without asking or telling Ayo what he had done wrong. The law of the land says you are innocent until proven guilty. Am sure this is an issue the police can look into. This Can change. 

Patronizing Prostitutes in Police Uniforms-there is really nothing more degrading than this. This accounts for why many in police uniforms are not respected at all. A Guy told me a story of how a police officer was always patronizing a particular prostitute spot. Now that seems ok if no noise follows it. But one day, he went there, his usual client was not around because she had gone out with a top client. This officer could not hold what he needed to disperse, so he took in one of the girls. No one head any story until noise started from the room. The Lady started shouting, you think say I be Agnes? Pay me my money now. The police officer said to her, wait now, my boys  have gone on patrol and they will soon be here take it easy, but the Lady will not have it. She grabbed his uniform and the rest was public display and show. The story has it that this officer used to do it with Agnes on credit because he was a loyal customer and Agnes used to allow him because he stood as a source of police protection for her. On this day, the officer played the wrong game and to make it worse, he was in police uniform. That was enough disgrace. This can be curbed am sure. This also can stop.

Blowing Siren to give signals to robbers- have you ever reported a robbery incident on your street before? Let me share a story with you. Robbers once came to a street to rob. They came in and went from flat to flat robbing. One of the residents had called the police on phone to report the incident haven noticed it from his own flat. The police did not show up on time as usual and when they decided to come, they started blasting the siren from the bus stop. The robbers head this and flee. My question was, why the siren? One guy answered me clearly' to signal the robbers to run away since the robbers may also be police men or those given gun by police to rub and bring their share' I was shocked at the response. But why was I shocked? Am not sure too.  If this is true, then it is sad. Why blast the siren so the robbers can hear and run away? I am sure this can change

I have decided to leave out the issue of bribe and collections of tips. Why? Is it not obvious. Every one even now feel this is normal. Our appeal is that those who manage the police force will look into this issues and take action rather than allow more decay set in. I am sure all this can change.

To the police men and women serving with diligence, commitment, character and the fear of God, salute to you all and on behalf of all Nigerians for whom you risk your life always...we love you

1 comment:

amaka said...

All Police men are bad abeg. They are all the same.