Monday, May 27, 2013

Motivation for a new week-but I hate my boss

Just before you say your boss is the worst in the world, just reflect on how much of a good subordinate  you have been. Also, see every act intended to bring you down as acts perfecting you in readiness for the next level. No one who wants to become gold escapes the fire. Always remember, you did not accept that job to look for love and acceptance, you did it so you can stay relevant for you and those who employed you. 
The best leaders I have seen, were (are) those who learnt how to follow even when following demanded something beyond what they expected or could offer. The difference between leaders who succeeded in impacting lives and those who failed to Impact lives lie in this secret. Your leadership is a failure if it fails to impact lives positively as well as raise leaders who can impact their world. 

Do what is right because even if you hate to hear it, this week may be your last in the world your good health or not. Not even a fat bank account stops the exit of a man. What will your world remember you for by the time it's all over. How do others see you?

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