Sunday, April 7, 2013

What is wrong with Nigeria's state Leaders? Did they sell their souls to the devil?

Some much is happening and one feels its time to start addressing issues rather than chasing shadows. No one expects the truth but there are answers needed. Are there things that people in government today did yesterday which is affecting their today? Did they sell their souls to the devil for power? Why are they all falling sick with all manners of terminal ailments  and having air and land accidents even with all the security surrounding them? Is the heavens calling us all to do some thing?

With all the governors who are recovering from one accidents or the other. With all the ones with one terminal ailment or the other. With those ones whose health status is not yet in the open and more importantly, with

the death yesterday of the deputy governor of of Ekiti state Mrs Funmilayo Olayinka of cancer related ailment, one should be concerned. From what came up, the deputy governor was a particularly nice and industrious person and this little piece is not about her.  We pray her soul to rest in peace and her family, the fortitude to bear her loss.

Our concern is to say this boldly. It is either those who took over power in 2011 had their hands in too many ungodly things or Something some where is attacking those in government and we should all pray for our leaders. I say this because current happenings show that for sure, all these issues are not mere coincidences.

To conclude, let those in Power who had their hands dipped in some thing wrong know that power is not every thing. Let's those whose hands are clean also know that they need to pray for themselves. Once again, this happenings are not mere coincidences.

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