Saturday, April 20, 2013

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries settle divorce- it's finally over

It's finally over! After 536 days of bitter negotiations... Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries settle divorce
  • Marriage itself only lasted for 72 days
  • Humphries did NOT attend court 
  • Sombre Kim attended as per judge orders

Kris Humphries has decided to settle with Kim Kardashian in their divorce case after battling for a year and a half - and over five times as long as the marriage itself lasted. 
According to sources, Kris backed down after no evidence of fraud perpetrated by Kim emerged.
He was then forced to consider mounting legal costs and the prospect of losing any pay-out from his estranged wife - a pre-nup would be invoked if the trial got to court.

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