Saturday, April 20, 2013

Nigeria info 99.3 fm Football talk and the call for patriotism

While driving today, I tuned my radio to Nigeria info  between 12 and 1pm just so I can keep myself busy and entertained. While listening, I head the guise ( I use this with respect)  in the studio discussing about the Nigeria golden eaglet and the promise made by the football association to give them extra bonus just so they can win. This was not the main topic for the day as the guise discussed and touched on a number of subjects. One particular part of the discussion caught my attention and it was about patriotism. The guise opined that, the golden Eaglets are young boys and that they should be proud playing for Nigeria. They went further to add that, Nigeria is a country of 160 million people and that the boys should be proud playing for the country rather than the NFF promising them additional bonus. This came against the backdrop of the fact that the NFF had reduced its staff strength because of funds. So their point was, rather than promise them more money, encourage this boys to play out of patriotism.

Do I agree with them?

Yes I do. But does the idea of bonus take away being patriotic? No I don't think so. In truth, my opinion is that they should be given more bonuses if they are seen to be doing well. I say this for a purpose.

I am sure the guise in the studio understand what am about to say. A lot is wrong with Nigeria football administration. The issue goes from player insurance to player management. In addition, it also includes after tournament relationship,care and concern for the players. I will explain. In Nigeria, when you are invited to come and play for the national team, you are promised a march bonus. Additional bonuses may follow depending on the performance of the team and the expectation of the football administrators. This is what we all know. That which we all don't know is the fact that, attached to this bonus or bonuses is a silent clause which says ' should anything happen to you by way of injury, because we have paid you your bonus, and even added beyond what we promised by way of additional bonus, you are on your own' can we relate with this? Show me one player in Nigeria who went for a tournament, got injured and had the care of the Nigeria Football administrators! Not even a phone call go to the players from the NFF. At least we know of The most recent case from the last nation cup, I mean  that of Emenike. Did he get an after tournament care and attention? Was he given any extra allowance to treat himself? Dint we hear him shout and complain after the tournament? Does this attitude of the NFF not agree with my point above? Did he even get a call from the NFF as a show of support and concern? In truth, are Nigeria players usually insured before a tournament? What does that insurance cover?

Back to the issue of being patriotic. Let me point out here that even if the players refuse to play for Nigeria ( and I mean Nigeria not other very poor African counties) because of  wages and bonuses, you and I will have no right to refer to them as unpatriotic. This is because culture is usually rooted in a peoples way of life and we all know the Nigeria culture in relation to money. Have you ever told your senators or members of house of representative, who make Laws that have no direct bearing most times on national development to travel outside Abuja without any out of state allowance? Go and tell them to be patriotic and forget their one month salary. You guise said they should be proud that they are putting on the national team color and representing over 160 million Nigerians, I agree with you. But,  as a player, go and get injured, walk into a Nigeria hospital and show them your national team jersey and ask them to treat you for free because you got injured while trying to be patriotic and see what happens. Not even a doctor at the General hospital will attend to you. Or can they walk into a glossary store to buy goods with national team jersey? Let's be sincere here and let's avoid being overly emotional when presenting the facts. The bible itself says a laborer deserves his wages. The wages in football goes from salary, to all manners of bonuses. Let's avoid blaming those boys.

On the whole, the guise in that station are doing a fantastic job as far as football is concerned. This is just an opinion

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