Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Akiyesi and his disrupted wedding: the fundamental error made by the church.

I will not put my hand to my key board here to judge any man or woman. I will not even attempt to judge the Overcomers church Aguda, since none of us know beyond what was published. But, I will be quick to warn that care be taken so that apology is not oiled and glorified with pride.

I think the lesson in this is huge. The house of God must bubble with great examples. For how can we teach the world, if we ourselves don't know the truth. God is very protective of the marriage institution. Why? Because the family is a representation of God Himself. How you may want to ask? Because God created the family to look like Himself. There is one creator called God. Under the name God, we have the Father,The Son and The Holy Spirit. The place of the Father is clear in creation. The place of the Son Jesus is clear in redemption. The place of the Holy Spirit, who is called many names like children in the family is clear in Sanctification. He is called the paraclate, comforter,helper,etc. That is how the family is represented. The Father in the family is like 'God the father'. The Mother (the bride) is like Jesus the bridegroom, God the Son. The children are like 'God The Holy Spirit' because though they are many, they come under the name children. So God has three arms. The family also has three arms. If my name is James Audu, my wife is Cecilia Audu, my children are james, john etc they all will also be called Audu. Three units under one name. Therefore, the family is a representation of who God is on earth. This should tell you why a society that glorify divorce only evil. That society, with all her wealth may

not know peace. America is an example. With all her wealth, divorce is high and so is crime, suicide etc. The point to make here is clear, God hates divorce which accounts for why I will continue to respect the catholic church and others who uphold this.

Now to the ugly incident which rocked Overcomers Church on Akiyesi's case. I feel some body, some where need to be clear on the truth. I doubt if Mr Akiyesi was ever asked if he was ever married. If he was and he said no, I doubt if any one ever investigated it. At least a letter should have been sent to the court to ascertain this. A letter should have been sent to Akiyesi home town church to confirm if he was ever married. If the home town church gets it, they would have asked the villagers if he was ever married. This way, the house of God is not deceived or mocked. But am sure no one did. You cannot just wed any one because they said they have never been married. That in itself is a fundamental error.

Another point to make is taken from the final statement released by the church. '' We stand by Ms. Agwu. She has been a dedicated member of the church and we will continue to support her and Mr.Akiyesi'' who writes such  in the face of what is on ground? You are standing by a Man whom you said told the congregation that he was sorry. Let me quote him '' this happened because I tried to cut corners'' and you added, he admitted that he did not properly dissolve his previous marriage to his first wife. Oh, so he was married before? I am sure the church knew this. Did the church ask if that marriage was still on? If he said he was divorced, did the church ask him why he divorced his wife? Did the church go to ask the wife what happened and why they divorced? Did the Church ask for the divorce papers? Did the church ever try to ask the couple to settle their differences as a church is expected to do? Or is the church more interested in their own member getting married? I am sure questions were not asked. Investigations were not done. Yet some one, amidst a very terrible mistake wrote, we will stand by them! May God help this generation and its array of church teachings. For Mr Akiyesi, no one will say you should not live your life, but you must do what is right because God because God is not mocked. I know some one will ask me, what if the woman has been unfaithful? I won't defend her but I will also ask, has Akiyesi been faithful? The truth is, we all don't know what happened and we don't want to get involved but, there is no right way to do something which is wrong. Therefore, we cannot afford to glorify a wrong deed by claiming that you support a man who failed to do things the proper way. What about the Lady, the church member, did she also not know that he was married? Did she tell her Church? May God help us all.


Anonymous said...

Well said, the man should be ashamed of himself

Anonymous said...

That is why he is not a popular actor...shame on him. The church should just be careful next time

Anonymous said...

What about Jehovah Witnesses as a religious organisation that destroys marriages and stil go from house to house,claim to be preaching about God's kingdom?God help us for the Attrocities committed in the name of Religion