Friday, April 12, 2013

Top newspaper report-How The Snail Slime Can Renew Your Skin.

It is possible that a mere thought of snail disgusts and irritates you. Or maybe you do not mind the sight of it, but to have it in your meal in form of meat, either fried or cooked, could cause a nightmare.
These are possibilities, which clearly affirm your derision for this slow- creeping specie. Despite this, remember that nothing is ever totally bad.
So, if you are crazy about the nature, texture and colour of your skin, then you may just reconsider having your disgustful snail as friend.
The reason is that the creeping creature has been found to be a magnificent darling of all who dream of having baby-like soft skin. According to research, the creature has proven to be real miracle for skin toning and maintenance.
While some continue to relish and appreciate this creature for its remarkable culinary taste and value, these mollusks have been discovered recently to have more cosmetic properties and value than the culinary.
Having previously
graced our plates in past, the snails have now found their way into our skin creams. It is no longer strange that the skin can gain strength from these mollusks.
It becomes, therefore, very painful how this wonderful creature languishes in your garden, while your skin fades away in an alarming rate. What can be magical?
Quiet and shy, the snail is blessed with remarkable ability to destroy damaged parts of its cell and regenerate it in few days.
This is exactly what it does to your skin: reviving and renewing your ailing skin.
A recent research into the new use of the snail reveals that in Korea and France, there has been a boom in snail-based products in the cosmetic market, most of which are geared towards acne medication, anti-aging and even for removal of stretch marks.
A common misconception about snail-based products is that it is slimy and smells like mollusks. But even in traditional African societies, so many herbs and other home remedies are taken despite their funny and pungent taste and smell.
What matters is the result.
So, it is expected that many of us would not mind the smell and texture of the skin-miracle snail slime.
In the specifics, these are the miraculous works of the slimy slime from the snail – to the delight of your skin:
• It speeds up cell regeneration
Cell reproduction is proportionate to your age when you reach our 30’s. The use of snail-based products would restore your skin’s natural skin renewal ability just like when you were in your 20’s, the peak of a woman’s blossoming and youthful beauty.
• It aids in acne and wound healing
Snail slime extract accelerates skin repair, therefore when you’ve got undesirables on your skin, it helps boost the healing process.
• It has great anti-aging properties
Snail secretion has great moisturising abilities. It hydrates the inner and outer layers of skin. Always remember that skin hydration equates to wrinkle-free skin.

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