Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Newspaper report-Controversy over Oshiomhole’s Age… PDP Calls for his resignation for Perjury

The Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has asked Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State to resign for lying about his age.
Salisu Buhari, a former Speaker of the House of Representatives broke down in tears and resigned in July 1999 for lying about his age and academic records.
The PDP, Edo state at a Press conference today alleged that the Edo Governor declared two different dates of birth-April 4th 1952 and April 4th 1953 in forms he filled while contesting for the Governorship elections and his sworn declaration of Age.
At the press conference addressed by the state chairman of the party, Chief Dan Osi Orbih asserted that Oshiomhole lied under oath in his INEC form CF001, Sworn Declaration of Age and INEC Voters Registration Card number: PU12/06/10/001 which bear his Birth date as 4th of April, 1952.
This according to Edo PDP is
at variance with other claims and official documents, which state the governor’s date of birth as 4th of April, 1953.
The PDP said “These official documents include his biography, citations at his inauguration ceremonies, invitation cards, church and lecture programs at his past and recent birthday celebrations have all carried 4th April 1953 as birthday date. The official website of Edo state Government (, the wiki pedia entry and some national newspapers since 2009 in a sequence have all borne congratulatory advertorials reflecting 4th April, 1953 as birth date. [ 2009 he was 56years old, 2010 – 57yrs, 2011 – 58yrs, 2012 – 59yrs, 2013 – 60yrs.]
“After due consideration of these facts over time, Edo state PDP reasons and accepts that the real birth date of Governor Adams Oshiomhole is 4th April, 1953. Also, this is the tenacious belief of a cross spectrum of Nigerians including the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, State Governors, National Assembly leadership, Legislators at National and State levels, the Judiciary, Professional Groups, Civil Society Groups, Labor Groups, Market Women, Students etc…
“It is true that in all his biographies, citations at inauguration and award ceremonies (including the National Merit Award) at no time has Governor Oshiomhole denied or corrected any misconception about his 4th April, 1953 birth date. In fact, his recent 60th birthday which was celebrated with pump and pageantry, the invitation cards, church/lecture printed programs and speeches of invited dignitaries alluded to the 4th April, 1953 birth date.
“From the indisputable facts above, it is evident that Governor Oshiomhole lied on oath in his INEC form CF001, sworn declaration of age as well as his inec voters card that his birth date is 4th of April, 1952. This was what informed the very apt Edo PDP 61st congratulatory message on page A8 in the Vanguard Newspaper of Friday, 5th April 2013 and the Tribune Newspaper on page 9 of 5th April 2013.
“Consequently, Edo PDP calls for Governor Adams Oshiomhole’s resignation because he lied under oath in his form CF001 and age declaration in order to meet INEC requirement for the office of Governor in 2012.
“The Peoples Democratic Party in Edo state hereby reaffirms its commitment to the rule of law, sanctity of the tenets of honesty and acceptable democratic practice in Nigeria. In its resolve to always uphold the interest of Edo people under any circumstances, Edo PDP wishes to implore and mobilize all fair minded and true lovers of our dear state to do the right thing at all times, not minding whose ox is gored.
“Ironically, this desired inevitable action is in line with his 60th birthday lecture titled: “Deepening Democracy and Enhancing Public Welfare”. His honorable resignation at this time will deepen our democracy and will deter other public office holders from lying under oath. His resignation will certainly enhance public welfare as it will be in the greatest interest for the greatest number of Edo state people. According to the great Scottish philosopher Francis Hutchison (1694-1746) “the action is best which procures the greatest happiness for the greatest number”.
“We should draw from the experience of Mallam Salisu Buhari who was elected into the House of Representatives and made speaker. He had to vacate office when contradiction about his age in a sworn declaration was discovered. Salisu Buhari took the part of honor to resign and vacate office.
“In this clime, the political awareness is maturing by the day. This is the reason why we MUST not wish away the gravity of Perjury in governance.
No matter how much perceived work a leader does in government it all comes to naught when the basic ingredient of truth and justice is excluded from his foundation.
“The time to act is now, Governor Adams Oshiomhole resign!”

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