Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Newspaper report-BIZARRE: Jilted Lover-girl Kills 2 Brothers With Poisoned Drink !

A jilted lover-girl identified as Chinonye (surname withheld) a native of Umunede, Delta State, has allegedly killed two brothers by poisoning their drink on Easter Sunday.
Reports said that though the people of Umunede have arrested the suspect who denied the act, indications were that the family of the deceased was seeking the help of a witchdoctor to prove the real cause of their children’s death.
LEADERSHIP reliably gathered that Chinonye had three year ago dated one of the brothers, Monye a graduate of Theatre Arts from the state owned University in Abraka who promised to marry her after his studies.
But this was not to be as he allegedly went abroad with another girl without performing his youth service.
As it were, Chinonye had reportedly sought the
intervention of her would be parents in-law after experiencing heartbreak and was advised to look elsewhere and go about her business; a situation that allegedly deepened her pains.
LEADERSHIP checks revealed that Chinonye picked up the pieces of her life six months later and opened a fashion home where she was said to have met another man who paid her apprentice-ship fee.
Sources said she had also threatened to avenge her pains at any given opportunity. Not long after, Monye was said to have been repatriated along with his girlfriend for inexplicable reasons.
Chinonye, on her way home from work last Thursday came in contact with Monye who was said to have begged for her forgiveness with a promise to make amend.
According to informed sources, Monye allegedly offered her some money promising to visit her on Easter Sunday.
In an orchestrated pay back manner, Chinonye allegedly confided in a friend her decision to unsuspecting reconcile with him (Monye); a development that was sealed with evil decision to poison him.
Unconfirmed sources said that Chinonye had reached the plan to present him with drink item laced with poisonous.
However, Monye had also informed his parents that he was celebrating the Easter Sunday with Chinonye.
This piece of information, insider said, infuriated the parents who warned him to steer clear off the girl after what they described as everlasting mark on her heart.
But the bubble burst on Sunday when Money and the younger brother identified as Jude visited Chinonye who was said to have offered them plates of rice and some pack of drinks.
The unsuspecting visitors reportedly ate and drank what they were served.
Reports further indicated that at night , they were said to have drank part of the drink happy that they had won back the heart of Chinonye and retired to their beds where few minutes later trouble started as they vomited and died before help could come their way.
Police authorities in Umunede confirmed that the girl was arrested and is still being held for further investigation.

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