Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy birthday Toni Payne- have a blast but no bomb blast

In looking for the best way to get this wish across we will remember this about the April born Lady. She is amiable and diplomatic. she is always ready to help others. She is described as  adventurous with a great sense of humor. Toni  loves to enjoy life and she is totally active and restless. This being is said to be more emotional than practical and will pass any day as a good motivator. Nothing is more beautiful in a woman than when she is spiritual and God fearing. Your description says you are good looking and sexy. Its adds that you are a  faithful lover, hasty decision maker and concludes that you are brainy and clever .
If the above fully describes you, then I bet the world is a better place to live in because of you. Happy birthday Toni Payne

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