Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Good girl gone bad

No mail ever threw me off balance like this one. Read on...

Hey Mr Blogger,

Pardon me but you have to endure what I write here. It may be sad, but it's the truth

When I got married my husband was the best man in the world. Right now, I have my full regret on the day I met him. I curse that day. I curse that day because as I write, I remember the good girl that I was as against the girl that I am now. Like Rihana said, I am that good girl gone bad.

I was once that girl who believed in the sanctity of marriage like a good church worker would. To sleep with another man whether married or single was a sin. I say was because to me its no longer a sin, its called being smart. Its called being on top of your game. Its called being street wise. Today I sleep with them all. Married, engaged,single or whatever. I sleep with the good, the bad, the ugly. The only qualification I need is that thing in between your legs. Once you are sharp with them, am cool with you. I catch my fun and I feed fat with it. I used to dress like a descent house wife, but right now, all that is gone. I used to love being at home like the good wife, but today I don't believe in that any more. I don't just know every club and joint in town, these clubs and joint know me. I was once a good church girl in a well known pentecostal church, but today, I have
re baptized myself in my own way.

Do I have my regrets? O yes I do. Do I wish I can turn back the hands of time? O yes I do.  I have gone too deep. I am that good girl turned bad girl. My unfaithful and useless husband led me here. I know this is not me but I have eaten too much of it that the temptation of its freedom does not allow me to see my way back home. I know I will return, I only don't know when! Let all....read the concluding part of this by clicking on Joedanza.com on the page of this blog www.josephogundare.blogspot.com

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