Saturday, September 21, 2013

Why I Was Sacked By Nigeria Info FM – Matse Nnoli Wrote

Believe me since this issue hit press and once again became an issue for us all to write both what is true and what is not the truth on, Being someone I respect a lot based on her style of presentation,  I have deliberately decided not to join issues on the matter. However, my respect for Matse grew beyond measure when she decided early to give her own side of what truly happened. Since she is not a woman of God, she had no extra grace to teach us and God did not ask her not to speak. here is her account.
Read below the statement…Dear all, compliments of the day to you.I believe a lot of you must have heard of the recent termination of my job as an OAP (On Air Personality) on 99.3 Nigeria Info Fm. Well, it is true.I have read on several blogs that I was sacked for being arrogant, rude etc. Even recently that I lacked discipline. If I lacked discipline, I wouldn’t be successful in my career. I believe discipline, integrity and honesty goes hand in hand with true success. Ask those who have met and known me and they will tell you that this is what I live for. I am not perfect, I have made mistakes but who is perfect?I prefer to be silent on matters like this but since silence is assumed to be consent, I will not consent to my hard earned reputation being dragged to the gutters. I worked too hard for it.On the 2nd of September 2013 while on admission at First Consultant Medical Centre, Lagos. I received an email while on my sick bed, announcing my termination. Honestly, I was not angry but a bit shocked.

I had been too sick lately due to my pregnancy and was not at my best but I expected my company to be supportive of me. Yes, I wanted them to be supportive of me because I had worked hard over the years to bring them much glory.I know that I will see all sorts of articles and comments to discredit me but I simply ask this of you all. If you have ever met me and I was unpleasant to you, feel free to vent but If you don’t know the real me and all you have heard are insinuations, hold your peace.I love people and always wish them well. My mentees and honest colleagues will testify to this.I love progress because I believe the sky is big enough for all the birds to fly. AIM Consultants. I am not mad at you. I believe when one door closes, another one opens. I have served you well over the years, brought you accolades. So please, let me go in peace and insiders in the Organisation who do not like guts should not use it as an opportunity to tear me down. I am a good person and YOUALL KNOW THIS!God bless AIM Consultants, I learnt a lot from you and I am grateful. God bless us all!NIGERIA EYE

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