Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My Simple fear For Diego Costa.

In the world of football, coaches have always made huge differences and I strongly opine that the game would never have been the same without them. It becomes therefore important to state here that, most times, the winning or otherwise of any game is based on the performance or otherwise of the coach. 

Based on the above, to be able to make any meaningful impact in any game, the coach will always go for those players who can deliver for him. This is never dependent on the acceptability of the fans as the coach will always go ahead whether the fans like it or not. However you look at it, it is the result that matters. Since one cannot question the decision of the coach, we can however advice or put forward our opinion. My issue rest with the Chelsea front man Diego Costa. I feel strongly that Mourinho has a a lot to do with regards to his temper. I strongly believe that Mourinho signed Costa because he is tall, strong and very physical. That is in addition to his being very skillful and sharp. However, being a points man, Diego gets really frustrated when in a game he has not found the net. This makes him commit off the ball fouls and we know very well what this results to. One needs to watch because he may carry out such acts in games which Chelsea may need the most. Temper expression is one thing that is not acceptable in football and Mourinho must work on this with Costa. 

Another factor Mourinho needs to look at if the season must go well is specially train Costa on how to escape legs and wicked tackles. I did play football, even though not at the top level. I know one of the things coaches tell players. It's straight- take out that guy and we are good. Based on this, defenders some times go with the worst tackles. The onion is on the striker to watch his back. Haven seen Costa play in the Laliga,i strongly feel that he will need to be extra careful coming to the EPL. He will receive very hard tackles. Knowing his pedigree, defenders in the Epl will be after him. The coach must therefore spend time reteaching him again and purely inducting him on how to watch his moves, study a defenders approach amongst other things. 

Chelsea suffered a great deal last season because the strikers did not deliver. It was worse because the coach did not hide his annoyance as he expressed it openly. This season, the whole job is on Costa not minding the presence of Torres. If Costa must deliver, Mourinho must put back on his psychology cap. Tell Costa the same thing he told Drogba in those days which made him a goal scoring machine. Score the goals but avoid injuries which could put you away even before the beginning of the season. The Epl trophy is that of Chelsea to lose this season as they are better positioned to win it. 

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