Wednesday, August 20, 2014

British Prime Minister Speak on the Killing of American photographer

All in the name of what?

David Cameron this morning broke off his holiday to return to Downing Street, following the brutal murder of an American journalist by an Islamic State jihadist thought to be British. The Prime Minister will hold meetings this afternoon over the 'shocking and depraved' execution of photographer James Foley. The dramatic development came after the Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the Islamic State was waging war on Britain and the West and the organisation had to be dealt with 'on that basis'. He also said the jihadist filmed executing Mr Foley 'appears to be British' and revealed the Government believed the video was 'genuine'. Mr Hammond said the UK would oppose the Islamic State 'with every breath in our body' and could send British troops to Baghdad to train Iraqi forces to fight the 'evil organisation'.

The American freelance photo-journalist James Wright Foley was beheaded by ISIS in a video message posted online and titled as ‘A Message to America’. You may want to check online for video as this blog will refuse to Publish such.

Culled from Daily Mail

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