Sunday, November 17, 2013

You can help Alioma Aliogo Live again

Dear all, Alioma Aliogo (the man on my dp) used to be a bubbly, energetic and active young man (to say the least) before he was diagnosed with a defect in his heart that has practically made him a vegetable with various other health complications that are slowly killing him. His present physical condition is one with bursted arteries, swollen body parts and various other issues that have also affected his smooth breathing amongst others. He is presently unable to sleep soundly without external oxygen infusion because his breath keeps ceasing and he goes through immense pains just staying awake. His legs, arms, belly and other parts are swollen from the water that is being released from his defective heart.
Alioma requires a corrective heart surgery that can only be done in India and we need to raise the sum of N4,000,000 to enable him achieve this. He needs to leave for India this week as his health is deteriorating by the day. His family have expended so much already in managing his condition for the past 8 years hence this appeal.
Please donate towards saving the life of Alioma Aliogo who is in dire need of our help. His life has been distorted since he was diagnosed with this ailment and may very well come to an end if something isn't done quickly. A good deed towards anyone NEVER goes unblessed and God will continue to meet all of us at our times of need! Please make your donations into his sisters account-Aliogo Oluoma Bella act no0116159956. Gt bank plc..

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