Friday, November 22, 2013

Top story-Banky W Reveals How He Sold Cds In The Us To Survive .

Behind every glory is a story! In a recent interview with Vanguard, R n’ B singer and chairman of EME Records shared his success story. One thing was clear: he didn’t just become the famous Banky W overnight, he worked hard for it. “Everybody knows me to be the Chief Executive Officer, CEO, of EME; but what people do not know is that EME started when I was in my third year in university in New York.  You see, we all dream, but it is important to think very big and start where you are because God never gives you everything. You only get enough to start.

“At that time, I knew I wanted to do music, but I understood that nobody starts by selling a million CDs or the big screen. I worked in fast foods outlets, clothing stores and as a knife salesman, selling knives from door to door. That way, I gathered money to pay for studio recording time. I was recording with a close friend at that time. After making that music, we printed a thousand CDs, though we didn’t have any fan. I had one battered car that broke down virtually everywhere, so we would print black and white posters, stick them on the sides of the car, sell from the car’s trunk and drive to salons to do marketing. We would walk to the owners of the salons, greet politely, and ask them to let us entertain their customers.

Sometimes, some would kick us out and sometimes others would say yes. If they agreed, after singing for a minute or two, we would sell our CDs to the customers. That was the beginning! The graveyard, they say, is the richest place in the world, because therein lies so many who died with their dreams. My advice is, do not give up! If Banky can be where he is today, you can be where you want to be if you put your mind to it.”

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