Friday, November 15, 2013

The Tony ELUMELU power project drive -understanding the vision of a simple man

I do not suppose that i have what it takes to write on this man but trust me, I will try. The idea is not to massage the ego of any man, but to state a fact in its simplest possible language and to hope that those who read this understand the angle from which I write. 

Let me state from the start that i have always opined that, if the power project will wake up from its sleep and begin to live, its up to those in the private sector to go from talking to doing something. I say this because every attempt to politicize or take it from the age of the show of what Nigerian politics is about ,will merely amount to a failure even before it's take off. There are several factors why the ability to make it work rest in the hands of the private sector. One of such reasons is that government and leadership, no mater how you look at it ,will always be divided along interest line. That interest rest in the fact that some will go for change naturally because they have nothing to lose. By this I mean, they have no investment in the oil sector, so if power becomes stable, they lose nothing instead they gain more. It means less spending on petroleum products and their companies will save what it spends on diesel and fuel. All they will be left to fuel will be their cars which of course for them means less spending. This however is a lose for the other class who has investment in the oil sector and may be also double as importers of generator. They own or have a stake in the big time generator plants. But this is not my focus here. However, this back ground is necessary just so we establish one fact, the survival of the power sector is the duty of government and all but for it to truly survive, we must pretend that the former is sleeping and tell the latter to keep driving. 

I saw the Tony ELUMELU interview on CNN. In it's simplest way the chairman of heirs holding did enough to explain the reason for his taking his interest in the power sector in African to the rest of the world. If nothing was clear about his talk, one message is however simple, He has had this urge long before now, but now is the time to do something about that long term plan. The father of five lovely girls has made enough in his life time. He can aford to like many, seat and enjoy his wealth. To take off on this course in my opinion is to dame the odds. To want to invest in the power sector is to set one self up for direct attack from those whose interest is protected from its not working. Am sure Mr Tony understands this and one can only wish him well. 

Haven said the above, one must however make one point very open. I strongly feel that the success or otherwise of this industry may be up to the captains of industry in Nigeria, so Mr Tony ELUMELU should also do enough to set up an unbeatable drive back home. He has to wake up the fire in the minds and heart of the Nigeria captains of industry. Perhaps his interest has done that already. Also, He has to do enough to carry the media along and  reach the grass root on the ideals of his vision understanding the fact that not so many Nigerians can afford a tv, let alone have the money to pay for the simplest subscription on DSTV. In the end, no man sings your praise better than your own people. Many of them can stand by you with simple prayers and since your interest is genuine, their prayers will be more than enough. 

Let me state here that many have argued that the interest of Mr Tony ELUMELU in the power project in Nigeria and Africa is selfish. They think it's another way of wanting to conquer and spread further his dorminance in the world of Nigeria economics and economy. Another school of thought have opined that it's another move by Mr president to use a top Nigerian to spread his propaganda activities believing that we will listen because it's not a direct government project all in a bid to further drive home his message and desire to stay in power come 2015. Indeed, the mind of people sure can go very wild and far but who will deny them the right to their views and thought. We must operate a world of live and let live. We must allow the opinion of others . If We don't see evil, we will not appreciate the good we see. 

I sincerely careless what the intention is. I only care about the good it portrays. Any one, who takes up his resources to attempt a fight at redeeming a failed power sector is my hero. I say this because, it is still my opinion that if companies in Nigeria can save the money they spend on diesel and fuel, they can surely have something good enough to expand their investment or set up smaller companies which will inturn create employment for so many of my Nigerian brothers and sisters who have nothing to do after  going to school for four years and also serving their fatherland in a one year Nysc scheme. To this end, in one word directed at Mr Tony ELUMELU-concerning your drive and course of action on the power sector project in Africa....SALUTE TO A CARING GENERAL. May hour days be long. May coming generations who see the good in your actions continue to sing your praise even long after you are gone. A real sign that a man has wealth lies in his ability to make that wealth a blessing to others. People don't have to agree with your vision, once they see the result, even those who rejected you will sing your praise. to this end I say, keep moving.

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