Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Asuu strike and the 'almighty president'

I have nothing personal against Mr President and I certainly do not intend to be rude by asking the president of the federal republic of Nigeria ( or may be the federal republic of confusion or the federal republic of strike or the federal republic of killers or perhaps the federal republic of corruption) some key questions? When you promised Nigerians that you wanted to serve them during your presidential campaign, when you were the standing president, were you lying? 

People get killed almost all the time and the president act so helpless in the face of it all, he will because it's not his family members. A suu has been on strike for four months now, it's not his concern. All the president is concerned with is getting rid of every one who's agenda does not agree with his 2015 agenda. Which president cripples an academic system for four months? The same system he claimed to have gone through? Some one said, his presidency was one huge mistake, he played on our emotions and we all believed him, I feel terrible my vote counted for him, I ask God for mercy every day because of this mistake. I have always been a good judge of character, but Jonathan beat me to this one. My children have been at home for four months now he concluded. 

Leaving Asuu at home for four months and not seeing it as one huge mistake is like the president saying, come 2015,I don't need your vote to be president. Does Jonathan and all those in his cabinet have any idea how many campuses exist in Nigeria? Does the president know how many students exist in those campuses? Does he know the effect should they all vote against him? What about the lecturers and non teaching staff of those university, do they agree with what Jonathan is doing? Parents and guardians also deserve a mention here, are they smiling? To one single Nigerian student, there are lecturers, parents , siblings, friends, etc who want them to finish school on time, does Jonathan and his 2015 team look at this? But hey, why should they? May be they really dont t need their vote to win? they can win without them. In fact, they are not bothered. All they need is the PDP ticket. Once the PDP primaries go in their favor, they don't need the votes. I am sure you know what that means. I say so because if the vote counted for anything, they would have known that allowing this strike to linger on is one huge mistake. They should be worried...but why will they when their thinking tells them that the power of incumbency can buy you anything.

Let me conclude here that the attitude of the president on the Asuu strike speaks volume, even the unwise can read in between the lines. But the onus is on the Nigerian students to act, to save themselves because, no matter when the strike gets called off, the lecturers will get their pay. But for them, they can never get back or buy back the time already wasted. A very sad situation indeed, when will this country be truly free? Where lies the independence of this country? 

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