Monday, March 25, 2013

Newspaper report-Why We’re Seeking Immunity – Reps

The chairman, House of Representatives committee on information, Hon Zakari Mohammed, has cleared the air on the immunity being canvassed for the federal lawmakers.
The immunity being sought for the legislators, he clarified “ is not a blanket immunity but against speeches made on the floor of the House”.
Mohammed spoke with newsmen shortly after delivering a paper, titled, “Visionary Leadership for Nigeria: Fastening The Seatbelt From School” , at a seminar organised by political science students, University of Ilorin, at the weekend. He noted that some countries are using speeches made by legislators in hallowed chamber against them in courts of law.
He disclosed that some legislators in Malawi were undergoing treason trials over what was said on the floor of the House, adding that, “we cannot wait until what is happening there gets here”.
Mohammed added, “I think people are getting it very wrong. We are
talking about speech immunity on the floor of the House. As legislators, we have speech immunity and it is to be protected on what we say on the floor of the House and not to be taken to court on what we say. We are not looking for a blanket immunity being enjoyed by governors or president. No. What we are saying is that immunity on speeches so that legislators can be free to discuss and argue matters well.
“For instance, there’s a court judgement that says court can assume jurisdiction on what is said on the floor of the House. For example, if someone takes me to court on what a journalist reported that I said in the hallow chamber, saying that it’s treasonable, you as a reporter will be sued alongside me. But if we have immunity, you can hide under that and report well. So, we should detach emotional sentiments and make our democracy work,” he said.
Speaking on the topic of his paper, Mohammed said the desire to effect change in leadership in the country lies in the hands of the youth and women.
The legislator said that apart from their large population, women are honest, loyal and objective, adding that the youth are difficult to be swayed when they make up their mind on an issue in a society.
He said that most of the nation’s problems had been closely linked to leadership problem, adding that most of the leaders are accidental leaders who were not prepared for leadership positions.

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