Friday, January 10, 2014

The inconsistency and jokes in CAF African Footballer of the year awards

Let me opine from the beginning that it is only normal that Africa scrap the so called CAF award for sake of justice and fair play. 

The idea of football being a game is still true and let it be established that it  is still a game and not a war, that is why we say fair play In football, as in other sport competitions. The idea should be about its fair play and not it's politics. We cannot glorify politics above fair play in football. No we can't!

Last year, Ronaldo was the most promising and arguably the most outstanding player planet earth had after Messi fell to injury, but the European footballer of the year award was given to frank Ribery after the votes. Why? The claim was that, aside from him being good, he helped his club to win trophies. So trophies became the major consideration in award considerations. Fair enough..the year in which the whole world knew that JJ Okocha, was by miles better than Samuel Etoo, because of his play for club and country at the time, Etoo was given the awards. Why? The claim was that he won trophies but JJ did not. Again we can say fair enough!

The idea of not just being a good player, but showing you are a good player by winning trophies for club and self glory has become established in soccer as a major criteria for winning awards and not even  the ballon d'or is left out here. That was why Chelsea FC was confident enough to have Mikel fly down with the private jet he was given. They knew that though, Toure was the favourite because of his play for club and country expecially because he scored goals, Mikel would win because Toure had no trophies to show for his being good in the past year. On the other hand,  Mikel did. He had the African nations cup trophy in which he played a major role for Nigeria. Mikel also won the Europa trophy with Chelsea. He helped Chelsea come third  In the league in England and subsequently qualified for the Uefa champions league. What else do they want? 

I may be writing from a biased perspective, judge me that way, but I strongly feel the time has come for Africa to re evaluate again the reason for awards and glorify fair play above politics and personal desires or gain...I love Yaya Toure because he is a fantastic player in any ones book but trust me, he won that award for the third time only on the Altar of politics and not fair play. 

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