Sunday, January 19, 2014

The celebrity status and it's burdens...but why?

There are so many issues which come up in the life of the average celebrity which bothers on status issue. Some times they can't get into a general joint just to eat certain African delicacies not because they dont want to, but because of status and security issue. They cannot,for example,be caught buying bolly(roasted plantain) on the road side yet they crave it. They want to be there to do the selection by themselves. You know the feeling when you go to a place and you can say put that meat, no don't. They can't be caught buying youghut from the man who sells on his bike because the blogs will make it a highly rated news. So many burdens with the so called celebrity life style.

Putting all they go through aside, one of the many burdens they carry which I pity them for has to do with cloths. You will see a celebrity with a very beautiful dress at a function, but that sadly, may be the end of that dress on that celebrity. They may never be able to wear it to any function again. It really does not matter if their bank account is not telling them the truth. If a celeb was reading this tight now, I can hear him or her say yes. You wear a very beautiful dress which in all aspect look very beautiful on you but sadly, you can't wear it out to any other public event, why? Because the world will blog it, headline line and ask the question, is that all she has in her wardrobe ? They will produce a pix of the first time you wore that dress. But don't you just want to see some celebrities wear some dress because the first time you saw them wear it,you loved it? Look at the ones above

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