Saturday, January 25, 2014

23 years old defeat Bill Gates in a game of Chess

I have heard the assertion, if a rich man likes a game, he likes the game of chess or perhaps with hockey to match. While chess helps him to intellectually express himself, hockey helps him to physically express himself . But the game of chess is not  about your bank account and your position as the richest man in the world, it's about who the master is. But don't get it twisted as Bill Gates gets beaten in 79 seconds by a 23 year's still a game. When it comes to their bank account, there is only one master amongst the two lol....

The report by Enews
Maybe Bill Gates should spend less time strategizing moves in the eternal chess match that is Microsoft versus Apple (the iPhone has Candy Crush, so checkmate!) and more time practicing actual chess.Because Bill's performance in this chess match—against the best chess player in the world—is pathetic. (We can say that because there's no chance we will ever have to prove our own chess prowess against the best chess player in the world. Twenty-three-year-old Magnus Carlsen, who has been a "grandmaster" since he was 13, beat the founder of Microsoft in one minute and 19 seconds and using only nine moves. Watch the whole match now:NEWS: Ever wonder what Bill Gates gives his Secret Santa? Find out!The match went down on Norwegian TV and the rules were thus: Gates had two minutes to make each move, while Carlsen had only 30 seconds. Not that the rules were too important once the game began—Carlsen barely paused for even a second each time it was his turn. What a brain!Before they played, Gates said the match had "a predetermined outcome" and then joked that the only time he feels intellectually inadequate is "when I play chess against [Magnus]." This is the look of defeat:

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