Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Boko Haram insurgents group has now installed Emirs


If the below report is anything to go by, it's a simple case of saying Nigeria Beware

The Boko Haram insurgents group has now installed Emirs in Borno towns of Gwoza, Bama, Damboa and Dikwa.

Abusidiqu has reported on Monday that the sect installed one Mohamed Danjuma as the emir of Bama. This was followed by another report stating that a new emir was installed by the sect in Dikwa.

But the Senator representing Borno South in the National Assembly, Senator Ali Dume told his colleagues as Senate resumed from its two-month recess yesterday that the sect has installed emirs in Gwoza and Dambua.

Senator Ndume told lawmakers that Boko Haram has literally sacked two emirs and installed their own on Monday.

His words: “I represent southern Borno and Gwoza. The challenges we are facing are more serious than what we have faced before. We, the people of southern Borno, particularly Gwoza, parts of Adamawa and Yobe know that it’s presently occupied!

“I read here on the Senate Order Paper about a threat. It’s no longer a threat; somebody is occupying that place and he’s declared it a caliphate!

“Yesterday, a new emir was installed by Boko Haram in Dambua. The original emir is taking refuge in Abuja. Boko Haram installed a new emir in Gwoza…Recently, we conceded the extension of state of emergency and it was because it could get out of hand. Can it get out of hand more than what is happening now?”, he asked.

Source Abusidiqu

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