Sunday, September 7, 2014

Rev Chris Oyakhilome and Wife Saga: A Lack of regard for the body of Christ!

It is not in my place to judge this two children of God, certainly not. However, while it is not in my place to judge, I will not however be condemned to not asking questions. And believe me, the questions bugging my mind are many. Writing limits one, and I understand. For the reasons mentioned above, I will find it hard to ask all the questions coming to mind. However, I must ask a few. But as I ask this few questions, I must quickly remember that line of Scripture which says,  only Jesus knows those who are His. The statement Paul made which reads, imitate me as I imitate Christ  is one statement many so called men and women  of God cannot boldly make today because the truth about them is simple-follow not my life, but my preaching. But what is their preaching without their life? I mean the reason the believers where called Christians in the Acts of the Apostles was because people looked at them and found out that they were living and acting like Christ,so they called them Christians. Christians are those who live and act like Christ. But as I wonder, I fail to relate the life of this two so called leaders in the body of Christ to the above and I speak in relation to the current happenings between the two of them. If they understand, They will quickly know that they are two people who lead one of the biggest Church in the world,and not just in Nigeria or Africa alone, but in the world as a whole. Whether you and I agree to admit it or not, Christ Embassy and believers love world has affected many in the world. This I see from either their direct preachings, programs or Rhapsody of reality. Did you forget the rhapsody of reality,  They both write the Rhapsody of Reality one of the most widely read devotional in the world. But, do they both know this? Can they themselves go back to what they have written and re read them again? I wonder if they will still retain this attitude if they do.

Below are some questions I find  mind blowing ;

1. Are this two Christians or just very good actors? 

2. Was Pastor Chris right to have been that far from his wife and Children in the name of preaching the gospel? 

3. Was Pastor Chris being away from his wife for that long because  of preaching the gospel or that the marriage had ended in his heart for long but he refused to admit it because of his reputation? 

4. Is there a possibility that his wife was no longer attractive to him and instead of him facing it, he used the gospel as a cover up which only amounted to deception? 

5. Did Pastor Chris actually deceived his Church and the whole body of Christ in this matter?

6. The statement Pastor Chris made before his church elders in the UK, about his wife allowing her self to be deceived, was that a good statement to make about a supposed wife in public? 

7. Would Pastor Chris have advised a Church member who came to him for counseling on such matter to act or speak in that way in public about a spouse and not expect it to be taken in the wrong way by that spouse?

8 Or does the above truly confirm the fact that in his mind the marriage had truly ended? 

9. Why did His wife accuse him of Adultery? 

10.  Why did she even mention Adultery? 

11. Is she using this as a defence mechanism? Or is she lying altogether?

12.  Why was every detail about her yanked off the website of Christ Embassy in a hurry? 

13. Is the Church, Christ Embassy about the body of Christ who worship there or about Pastor Chris?

14. Or was it the Church elders who approved the yanking off?

15. If yes, does it mean they have taken sides already?  

16. Does pastor Chris see Himself as a Church leader or as a Church "God"? 

17. He warned the Church members not to turn the issue between him and his wife into a political affair and almost all the Church members will be afraid of asking questions because the man of God has spoken but no, are there no questions begging for answers? Touch not my anointed is not the same thing as ask my anointed no question

18. Will Pastor Chris still be allowed to preach in the midst of all this in Church or will the Church elders be bold enough to ask him to  to stay aside until he sorts himself out? 

19. I ask the above because what Jesus said is simple, if you go to the house of worship to offer sacrifices to God and find out that a brother was not happy with you, keep the gift, go and be reconcile d then you can come and offer your gift. If he does not listen, call another, if yet he does not listen take the elders. If he does not listen to the elders, treat him or her like an outcast . How did Jesus treat outcast? I think he treated them with Love. Only that love drew them to him. By yanking her details off the website, was that love?

20. Is the right thing for pastor Chris to do not to step aside for now? 

21.  But if this great man of God cannot keep his home, then what will be his ultimate message on marriage?  

22. I don't know if this is true but I heard he rebuked a church member for praying against divorce in church...why? 

What ever answer you want to give to the above questions, that is truly up to you. But my submission on this matter is simple, both of them in all of their public exhibition have acted like Children and not adults. They have shown clear cut disregard to the body of Christ. This is not about whether one is right and the other is wrong. This is about what you should not display in public for the sake of the eternal destiny of many. Imagine how many men have been showing understanding in their marriage but will now expressly head to the court for a divorce saying, if this great people could not hold it together, why am I deceiving myself? Imagine how many will expressly backslide because of this action? Imagine how many were thinking of coming to Christ but will expressly return to evil because of this? Some one will say will but that is their own business, but I will say no. And I will be quick to remind that person of what Jesus said...He said it would have been better if a lage stone was tied around that persons neck and he was casted into the sea than for him to cause one of this little one of His to sin. Concerning this whole Saga, I think what we all know like a friend said is only five percent of this whole issue, there is more to it than what we know.May our lives not be that of knowing the bible but not knowing who Jesus truly is. My hands are off my keyboard, the rest I leave to you. 

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