Monday, December 16, 2013

Will Arsenal lose again?

The coming game between Arsenal football club and Chelsea Football Club is a game that has many things at stake. It's not so much of an issue that has to do with past record but on the present. You have going into this game an Arsenal team that has done exceptionally well showing character in almost every game they have played. They started the season not being so sure but once they signed some key players they were on their way. For many, the idea of Arsenal winning the league this season became some thing to not only dream about but see as a genuine reality. They played as a team with so much purpose and zeal. Little wonder, they excelled in some of those small clubs matches they ordinarily lost last season even though I don't believe in the idea of referring to any club in the Epl as a little club. In addition to their very interesting football, Arsenal has injected experience into the team which now make them play like a balanced team. 

The argument in football is that, if you can keep the ball, your opponent can't score. However in keeping the ball, you must also recognize the fact that the other team has not come to the cinema. So as you keep the ball, you must attack with it and score . But if you lose the ball , you must also return with purpose. In watching Arsenal this season, they have shown all those, which made it impossible for one to predict the weakness they showed against Man city football club. Arsenal was exposed in that game in some key areas. They played Man city with respect which made them allow man city run over them. They showed lack of stamina. They played like a team that lacked what it takes to fight Man city for ninety minutes. Even Wenger played the game like he gave up before the game started. To him, that this is three point lost. Like,let's just go with the formality of being on the field he seemed to have said. He sat on his seat like some one catching cold. Hardly stood up, hardly asked the boys to take them on. It was un-Wenger like. One expected that in playing Man city, if they were going to lose, may be 2-1 or 2-0 but to allow them score them like it was basket ball showed that they have so much more to do. 

Wenger need to teach his team to be a little more compact. Learn to have the team play with the midfield understanding the fact that they are the first point of defense. They are to defend with the defense line much more than go goal hungry with the attack,since the attack has more numbers. The recovery rate of Arsenal in that game left much to be desired. I was angry. In that game, like in many games, Meaut Ozil played in Spain, when the pressure becomes much and they are playing behind, he fades off. In that game , he faded off at some point. The courage to have taken him out would have been a added advantage to the team. 

Arsenal play Chelsea this week, what more can you say? They play a Chelsea side who though are second on the table, are yet to get their rhythm. They play like they can't score. They play like they are tired in defense. They play like they can't bite. They have a goal keeper also who easily loses focus, become flat footed, can even be beaten from long range because he wants every ball he saves to be with his left hand. So, he dives to the right and to the left with his left hand. Terry with all of his experience is not as fast as he used to be. But all this points are normal as their is no perfect club. When they play Chelsea fc, all the weakness listed above May go to sleep, Chelsea will come out smoking, are they going to lose again?

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