Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pastor Chris Okotie and his judgment craving tongue...responding to a lonely man of God.

I have tried so hard not to join issues with Pastor Chris on an issue that has failed to go away, I refer to his condemnation of all catholics to hell based on the fact that Pastor Chris in his humanness thinks that Catholics will go to hell because they are crucifying Jesus again and again in the communion they take...He thinks they bow down to idols and worship them. Based on this, the over one billion catholic faithful must go to hell, as in burn in hell. 

Pastor Chris has been a pastor for well over twenty years if not thirty am sure. How come he is just waking up to see this? Or may be he has been awake all those years but right now he is sleeping! Yes, may be he is sleeping, so he is sleep talking. Perhaps he is sleep talking because those words did not come out in his usual high faluting expressions. The words came out too simple. I an tempted to believe that he was sleep talking. 

Another thought is that, you will agree with me that when an intellectual run mad, you don't immediately know. I am not saying he is mad, please don't quote me as i will never say this. What am saying is that if a man who reads too much but ordinarily guides his urtrances begins to talk too much, we must help him. We must help him because he has started talking losely. The book had become too much that one nut has adjusted. Let's get him a psychiatric help from a psychiatrist. Am not just thinking that if this is the case, let's help him. 

A third point to make is that may be, and I say just may be, Pastor Chris is feeling really less popular and so want to gain that popularity back from the over one billion catholics around the world. This is a possibility. There are ways news sell and gain popularity, one of it is to become and go controversial. Controversial stories are loved and they sell well. Trust me they do. But controversial stories are some times founded on baseless assumption and in the desire to have more hits or sell ones paper. Okotie wants to gain his popularity again, catholics please, if you can, just help him. Or what else do you think I should have said?  

A fourth point to make is that Okotie may simply be feeling lonely and so wants pampering and attention. This may be a possibility. His darling wife left him not too long ago. Its natural for a man whose wife left him to feel lonely. That is one of the reasons why Many who lose their spouse seek another partner because haven tasted that life before, it becomes difficult to let it go because of loneliness. Perhaps the pastor is lonely, catholics can you help his lonely state? 

I have said the above because I do no know why this is coming now or where it is coming from. Catholics have never tried to judge Okotie in his failed marriage. Catholics have not judged him on his attitude on divorce. They have not judged him on his misguided calling - was he called to be a pastor or a politician? They did not judge him in the scandalous child story of the past, they did not judge him for faillng to communicate the gospel but instead prefers to preach the dictionary. So why judge Catholics?

Let me establish it here that if catholics were idol worshipers, am sure they would have said so proudly. But each time this is mentioned they deny it. They say no, we don't worship idols . Are you going to force a man to agree with you that he is guilty of what he says he knows nothing about? You say they kill Jesus every day by doing communion, but did they tear off that part of your bible where Jesus said always do this in memory of me?  I will also like to ask Pastor Chris if he forgot that part of the bible that stops him from judging others!  

When people separate to begin a new ministry, they will claim that God asked them to do so. It is such individuals that you will usually get this from,but Pastor Chris is no baby pastor so I wonder. Pls let Catholics be. They owe you know apology on how they worship their God. The bible also says when the Holy Spirit comes, He will teach you all things. The Spirit blows where He  pleases, you hear His  sounds, but not even you Pastor Chris can tell where He is coming from or where He is going. Only God knows those who are his. Quit judging. 

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