Saturday, April 19, 2014

Is Bank Marketing Pure Corporate Prostitution?

There exist so much I hate to join issues with and that  of being a marketer is one of them. I have had a discussion once with some one who came to me with the intention of  wanting  to expose a top Nigeria CEO, laying claims to how much she felt humiliated by the Man just to succeed as a bank marketer. She said, he called me whenever he wanted me and he had me where ever he wanted. According to her, I was his sex slave just to rise in a bank. She argued, I did rise but he provided the ticket and access to my getting up there. This is paraphrasing all she said because,according to the story,  she came up with very dirty details of what they did together which if they were true was sad.  I will spare you the details . I brought this up because she wanted to come open with the man's name, company and full story. She said, there were times when he called me , not to give me money but to play with my boobs. I would have to seat on his lap, he did all sorts with me. Whenever I was in his office, no visitor came in. Appointments were re scheduled. My private part was his toy. Yes the world will say I allowed it but did I have any option? My family survival was on me. I had no uncle or family member to turn to. There was a day he grabbed me a soon as I entered, tour the burton of my shirt, went hard on me little did I know that he had a new shirt waiting for me. He had it all planned. If the secretary noticed on that day, I entered with a white inner shirt but came out a different shade of while top. Of course how could she have noticed. All i asked was, what evidence do you have? She argued, my story is enough. Do you want to help publish my story or not? I closed that discussion with a no. No because her story, though enough had no evidence to back up any abuse. Again, I would not be able to verify the authenticity of the story even though she was willing to have her picture published with the story,  it's not enough. I made it clear I was not looking forward to publishing such a story without a viable evidence.  

But while I was still pondering if I had done the right thing, I decided to engage some one on the subject of how to succeed as a bank marketer. She works with a top bank here in Lagos. She came clean with me. Joe, we have known each other for years now she said and I can't hide anything from you. She said, except your father is Dangote or one of those in his category, to succeed as a bank marker, you must belong to that  clique of corporate prostitutes. At this point I opened my mouth. I was speaking with one of the cleanest and most pretty beings I ever came across. Though not my friend. We talked once in a while. According to her, That  is putting it just the way it is. You have to f..k your client as often as he wants if you want to stay recognized in your branch. she said the painful part of sleeping with your top client is that, they don't sleep with you alone. Some times, they ask you to go sleep with their friends and you can't say no.she made it clear that their true life as markers consist of the them that people know and the other part they may really never know. 

 The above made me remember the story my friend told me about his own  friend. According to the story, there are periods when this clients sleep with them without respect or safety. They sleep with them right there and then in their offices not even in a hotel room . To make it worse sometimes, they tell you openly, no use of condom. Because this men give you some of your biggest account, you can't say no. I did ask , must you sleep with them? Can't you say no? She said, of course you can say no but you know the implication She said. There e exist so many benefits beyond the bank account from those clients she added. Not only do you get huge accounts from them, they also connect you with big accounts. According to this being, I travel abroad with tickets and all expenses paid by this being. He helped my boy friend get a job. Yet my boyfriend will tell you as his friend, he is only a helper but I know that in his heart, he knows the truth. This truth is just the same way many husband's who know their wives are in marketing know but deny. They know their wives prostitute but they live in denial. She said each time some one say I work in a bank as a marketer, and you also say I am a marketer, the look in their faces say it all. She said, we know ourselves.  

Branch managers in bank are said to always distribute condoms to their staff and the argument also says this idea of living life this way is not peculiar to bank marketers only. A man once said he will disown the daughter if she ever accepted a job in a bank as a marketer, when the daughter asked him why? The man said, no marketer will tell me she does not sleep around. According to this story, the man told the daughter, even male marketers sleep with sugar mummy to make it. The man said that was why I rejected your sisters boyfriend when he came for her hand in marriage. I knew he belonged to that clique when he told me he was a bank marketer. The man concluded, what i have seen in my life and years as a top executive is enough to make me conclude that marketing jobs in Nigeria is nothing but prostitution. 

I do not know what you know, but is marketing as a banker equal to prostitution? Is it true that some husband's know what their wife do but live in denial? Do most top executive sleep with clients before giving them accounts? Is male marketing in Nigeria the consolation older top executives use to keep their beds warm? 

The above cannot be the truth in all cases but to what extent is it true? 25% 50% 75% or 100%..

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